Are you afraid of committing to a serious and stable relationship?

Are you afraid of committing to a serious and stable relationship?
1. If a person asks you for a more serious commitment, how do you respond?
Question: 1 of 10
2. What would be your ideal of a healthy life as a couple?
Question: 2 of 10
3. Do you cling to your partner in the first few months of the relationship?
Question: 3 of 10
4. Do you like to wait a long time before moving in or not?
Question: 4 of 10
5. At the time of living together, what would you miss the most?
Question: 5 of 10
6. What are the things you need before you start living together?
Question: 6 of 10
7. Have you had stable relationships before in your life or is this the first?
Question: 7 of 10
8. When thinking about a possible marriage, what would make you afraid of it?
Question: 8 of 10
9. Do you consider it of the utmost importance that they always be faithful to you?
Question: 9 of 10
10. Do you feel like you are at the right time in your life to make a commitment?
Question: 10 of 10
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